The Algeti Strict Nature Reserve was established in 1965 with the purpose of protection of the southeastern border of distribution of the Eastern Spruce and Nordmann Fir. In 2007 it was given a status of the National Park.
The Algeti National Park is characterized by a mountainous relief rugged with great number of small rivers and ravines. The Algeti River with its great number of tributaries and ravines flows through the territory of Algeti National Park.
The territory of Algeti National Park is composed of igneous rocks and sedimentary layers. The National Park is characterized by humid climate. Winter is of moderate cold here and summer – of long-term and warm. The total are of Algeti National Park is 6822 ha, and most of its part is covered with forest.
6044 ha of Algeti National Park is covered with forests. Among them the fir trees occupy – 1442 ha, beech trees – 2250 ha, oaks – 1380 ha, pines - 250 ha, hornbeams - 120 ha, ash trees - 9 ha and birch trees –5 ha. 250 species of mushrooms can be found in the National Park, among them 10 species have been discovered first time.
There are 1664 species of plants here, 80 species out of them are of tree plants, 74 – bushes, more than 800 – grasses, 156 species are of medical plants, 43 – of poisonous plants, 24 – vegetables, 69 – decorative plants, 3 species are endemic to Georgia and Caucasus.
National Park is rich in fauna as well. Among large predator mammals the following can be found in the National Park: Brown bear (Ursus arctos) and wolf (Canis lupus), rarely – lynx (Lynx lynx), Stone marten (Martes foina), red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), edible dormouse (Glis glis), hare (Lepus europaeus), Red fox (Vulpes vulpes), wild boar (Sus scrofa). Roe-deer (Capreolus capreolus)is a permanent habitant of these forests.
Several species of amphibians and reptiles inhabit the territory of the National Park. Among snakes the inhabitants of Algeti are as follows: Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca), Dice snake (Natrix tessellata), Grass snake (Natrix natrix), Transcaucasian Ratsnake (Elaphe hohenackeri) and Nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes).
More than 80 species of birds can be found in the Algeti gorge, such as: Goshawk, Sparrowhawk, Common buzzard, Montagu’s Harrier, Eagle owl, European Roller, Hoopoe, Black woodpecker, swallow, Blackbird, Eurasian jay, Blue tit, Winter wren, Goldfinch, et al. The Imperial Eagle can be found very rarely in the gorge as well.
The following animals of the Red List of Georgia inhabit here: Brown bear (Ursus arctos), Caucasian Black Grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi), Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) et al.
In the adjacent territory of Algeti National Park many archeological monuments have been discovered, out of which the earliest belongs to the Eneolithic and early Bronze age. Cyclopean fortresses, working churches and ruin-churches have been preserved, such as: the church of St. Mary, tabernacle of Kviratskhoveli, church of Sameba, church of Chrelsakdari, tabernacle of Kubadoni, ruins of Klde-Kari fortress of 9th century, tabernacle of Kelchakhedi, Kuntsukhi, underground tunnels, several sites, church of St. George, Manglisi temple of the 4th century, unassailable Birtvisi town-fortress of the 11th century. Didgori valley is located at the northeastern border of Algeti National Park.
Algeti National Park is an important base for scientific researches. It is of recreation-resort, water-retention and soil-protection importance. The National Park has a considerable potential for arrangement of photo-video, bird watching, ecological, botanical and driving-adventure tours. The following forms of tourism are developed in the Protected Area: walking, horse-riding and archeological tours.
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